Initial info on Project 1

According to our course calendar, our first project is due on October 20. I guess we should set up some parameters around that. The material Obviously, we’ve spent a fair amount of time talking about elections and gerrymandering and that’s where your project will be centered. Specifically, we’ll decide on a state for each of

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Active Gerrymandering

Think of the partitioned rectangle below as a simple map. Each square represents the home of a single voter. Each voter is a member of one of two parties, the red party or the blue party. There are The objective is to partition these voters into 5 districts of 10 voters each. Each district should

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We’re going to spend some time over the next few weeks talking about elections here in the US – a topic of tremendous and current importance. There are a number of things that we might talk about but I’m certainly planning to cover the following topics: Illustrations Here are some of the kinds of images

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Intro to Observable

Today, we’re going to log on to Observable, write a little something, and play with its point and click chart interface for chart generation. Since that’s where all the action is, I’m just going point you there! Note that you’ll need to be logged onto your class Observable account to access the link.

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